What clients say


Jeannie was a calming force during a year of change.   I have worked with Jeannie for the last several years to assist in navigating both career & life transitions.  Jeannie has a way of making initially daunting obstacles more manageable. In a very short time, I seamlessly transitioned to a new city, job & company that fit my strengths & values. She continues to provide guidance, allowing me to bring my best to all situations.  She is a strong guide that also has an ear like a friend. She is a valuable resource for any transition.

CO, VP Sales

Over and over, Jeannie delivers results and I enjoy my life/career transitions SO much more when working with her than flying solo.   I am highly results oriented, yet require compassion AND to be challenged, all at once. Jeannie has impeccable intuition, just "gets you," and provides direction and AMAZING ideas when creativity and motivation have waned.   Whenever I work with Jeannie, I consistently feel lucky, inspired and know that my desired outcome will indeed be achieved!

MR, Managing Director

Working with Jeannie has literally changed my life. She's provided me with so many new life tools that I find myself using daily. She taught me how to evaluate situations from multiple viewpoints and, in turn, has opened up my mind to a broad range of possibilities and outcomes. This broadened perspective has not only made me a happier person, but it has made me a better employee, entrepreneur, wife, mother, friend, innovator - the list goes on and on. In working with Jeannie I have discovered new things about myself and have more confidence than ever before, both in who I am as a person and in what my path is in life. Without a doubt the best investment that I've ever made in myself was deciding to work with Jeannie. I'm grateful for having found her and I could not recommend her more highly!

CR, Marketing Exec-turned-Entrepreneur

Jeannie is an inspiring coach to work with - she helped me find a level of courage and authenticity that has led me to redefining my career path after more than 20 years in the same industry.  She walked with me to that personal "edge" and believed that I could make the leap when my own confidence waned.  I highly recommend Jeannie as an executive coach!

MT, SVP Leadership Development Coach

The journey to self (re)discovery is often an interesting path. Jeannie gives you the tools, the inspiration and the push you need to evaluate your livelihood and your life from vantage points you wouldn’t typically see from. A person with a flag, she moves you forward at each and every step of the journey. Today, I am a better leader, employee and more importantly, person because of her guidance.  The difference she makes in people’s lives is very real.

GM, SVP Global Account Director

About my work with groups:


Jeannie is a rare combination of enthusiasm and insight.  

She engages her groups to creatively seek solutions to complex issues. 

Bill DeLano, Owner, Triangle Training Center

Jeannie is a dynamic leader who earns the right to be heard with her groups

John Berkley, Owner Competitive Edge, Inc.

Consistent, professional, insightful; helps folks find their own answers 

Charles Page, Owner Cool Spring Center